Monday, September 10, 2012

Gary Snyder Class Discussion Review

Accept the Challenge
     During Friday’s class discussion, Gary Snyder’s writing style was a popular point that was brought up several times. As I read more and more of his poems, I am noticing some of the trends that were discussed on Friday. The way that Snyder ends his poems is very interesting to me. In the poem entitled “For the Children”, the last lines are: “…stay together…learn the flowers…go light” (Snyder 86). These three lines are Snyder’s advice to the children, the younger generations. I feel as though Snyder attacks a problem, broad or specific, in each of his poems and in the final stanzas or lines, he gives his solution.
     One other key point that stuck out in my mind from the discussion on Friday was Dr. Taylor’s challenge to temporarily suspend personal beliefs in order to better understand the way that Snyder writes and approach the ideas and beliefs with an open mind. Coming into this situation with a solid structure of beliefs and core values makes reading this style of writing more difficult but Dr. Taylor’s challenge is a test of maturity. Being able to step out of one’s mold and re-approach the world with a different perspective is a task that will broaden the horizons of what I can see in the world. Becoming aware of surroundings and different opinions is how people learn, so through this experience, I accept Dr. Taylor’s challenge. 

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