Tuesday, August 28, 2012

McKibben and Bioregional Quiz Response

     Durability, a term meaning lastingness of a product, object or idea, is what the author Bill McKibben focuses on during an interview podcast. McKibben argues that sustainability is a term abused by the many opinions towards the environment. Sustainability is a term has lost the essential meaning over time as sustainability is the catch phrase for the current solution in place to fight the environmental crisis facing the Earth. McKibben's new book entitled Eaarth, embraces the idea that the Earth is rapidly declining from the original state of almighty power and strength that the Earth once held. 
     McKibben's opinion of what the world should do to fix this detrimental state of the planet is that the young generations should shift away from the consumer world and revert back to the farming and agriculture world that the human race practically abandoned years ago. The economy is too big and is at a point of near collapse. McKibben's point is a solution that could end two major issues at one time. The world is over-populated, over-stimulated, over-engineered. With people back in the fields producing the food that is needed for the world, there would be less political stress, less economic stress and less difference in the world. This "cookie-cutter" solution could be the answer to all of the troubles that the world faces, but no one knows. The bioregional quiz would be seen as a "no brainer" if this plan did succeed. The human race would know more about the environment that is the foundation surrounding the people. The gap between the wilderness and civilization, a space of gray uncertainty would be bridged and the human race would have knowledge of the true world in which humans live. 

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